This is the page ’texts 4′ .
Below you will find some texts that have already been translated from Dutch to English:
Text 31: The rediscovery of ancient goddesses and related beings (6 p.)
Text 32: Authoritarian method: “I didn’t want to see” (3 p.)
Text 33: Original sin, immortal soul and monasticism (17 p.)
Text 34: Kâli – Doerga and the Nagas (10 p.)
Text 35: On Vermeersch’s God (and that of Christians) (4 p.)
Text 36: Atillio Gatti: “Bapuka, the goddess of love.” (23 p.)
Text 37: Do people still believe in the existence of the devil? (67 p.)
Text 38: The ears of the hippopotamus, A testimony from Swaziland (57 p.).
Text 39: Rock ‘n’ roll, an assault on consciousness via subliminal messages (6 p.).
Text 40: Godforsaken (106 p.)