The birth date of logics (formalized thinking) is 1879, when G. Frege (1848/1925) published his Begriffsschrift (Eine der arithmetischen nachgebildete Formelsprache des reinen Denkens) in Halle. He wanted a “pure thinking” but in a formulaic language after the model of mathematics. Meanwhile, logistics has become something of a sprawl, and many who never had the time to familiarize themselves with it have the impression that their natural thinking skills don’t really mean that much.
Yet time-honored natural logic is more viable than ever! The purpose of these Elements of Logic is to thoroughly introduce you to the natural fact, inherent to every human being gifted with common sense, namely: correct perception and reasoning. Far from formulaic language but close to life. It will turn out that your natural thinking is a more complicated cog than you might imagine.
In order to develop a clear view in this, this book is divided into a number of very small subdivisions which are not difficult in themselves but which make you see the whole thing step by step. And what is one more reason to tackle this work is the fact that it does not shy away from a number of topical issues and in doing so clearly demonstrates the practical usefulness – e.g. in self-study or in discussion meetings – of time-honored logic.