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You will find successively the courses…
8. from 1990 to 1993
8.1. Elements of Thinking and Methodology (1st year, 124 p.)
8.2. Elements of Harmology, (1st year 119 p.)
8.3. Elements of Logic, (1st year, 168 p.)
8.4. Elements of Platonism, (2nd year, 120 p.)
8.5. Elements of platonic psychology, (2nd year, 122 p.)
8.6. Elements of rhetoric (2nd year)
8.6.0. Contents (pp. 1 to 6)
8.6.1. part I (pp. 1 to 176)
8.6.2. part II (pp. 177 to 296)
8.7. Soloviev, cosmology, (2nd year, 66 p.)
8.8. Apocalyptic theology (3rd year, 72 p.)
8.9. The healing of the blind man (3rd year, 83 p.)
8.10 Elements of thought theory (3rd year, 80 p.)